A compliant 31 years long term follow-up patient, Mr. Wu, came for his last maintenance visit to my clinic to say good-bye due to remote relocation after retirement.
With tears in both our eyes he overviewed what was good or bad treatment decisions over the past 31 years. Periodontal & dental implant therapies appeared to be beneficial & sustaining, however, endodontic treatments for him seemed worthless, he said.
I stressed both periodontal and endodontic treatments were all endeavored to conserve his natural dentition. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t object to what he said is wrong who was born with such a poor tooth-structured teeth, after tragically suffering from 9 consecutive replacements of endodontic treated, post-cored, crowned & fractured teeth in just a few years.
Mutually thankful to each other for these years we both shared our passion in dentistry. With 18 years of 15 implants gradually inserted empowering his oral function, recent stabilized 10 years maintenance may seem to warrant his confident future for hopefully another 31 years.