在前往美國洛杉磯參與gIDE(Global Institute for Dental Education)臨床大師研討會(Master Clinician Symposium)教學的飛行下降途中,剛好捕捉到窗外四種雲層的景色,隨著機身一路緩降,映入眼簾的先是極為晴朗的雲層,短短幾秒鐘後,看到的其實是籠罩在陽光之下但卻烏雲密布的洛杉磯。
這正好提醒了我應該要用更高的態度,帶著正向的心智去面對並克服人生困境,因為【雲層之上永遠晴朗】!與好友共享! !
On my way to LA, while descending in the early morning, I took a beautiful sunshine view above the cloud from the window of the airplane. Within seconds, it changed from bright cloud to gray cloud and all of a sudden a heavy cloudy LA appeared.
It echoes with the following two encouraging sentences which always enlightened me:
“There is always sunshine above cloud.”
“Your attitude determines your altitude.”